Monday, September 2, 2024

Padua vs. Sandusky Perkins

 I know its been awhile since I posted anything. Blame it on website problems. Last year I posted some early chapters to my football book. Since then I've pretty much worked on a novel and have ignored the football book. But now that fall is here, football season is back.

Seeing that this is the first season in a long time I'm not coaching, One thing I want to do is get caught up on my past teams. I coached at four high schools, four colleges, plus played at another one. This fall I have a goal of seeing all nine teams play.

I started with seeing my beloved Padua Bruins play last Friday night against Sandusky Perkins. Unfortunately things did not go the Bruins way and got beat beaten 34-0. Perkins beat them the old fashion way, they had better players. They came close to winning a state championship last year and might do the same this year. A very solid team.

However, besides the outcome of the game it was great being there. I love the on campus stadium as well as the campus itself. The place looks great. They had a great crowd, the kids were all wearing Hawaiian shirts, and I saw a lot of old friends.

I'm thinking that I'll finish the book with an update of all nine of the teams out of my past. That would be a great finishing chapter. So I got the first few written as well as the last one. Now I just have to come up with a dozen or so for the middle.

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